Twelve years old boy was brought by his parents of complaints of patchy hair loss on back side and right side of scalp since 6 months. He was been treated with conventional treatment of local applications by the dermatologist without improvement. Instead according to parents area of hair loss in scalp was increasing.
Past history:
Febrile convulsions at 4 years of age.
All vaccination been given to child.
Family history:
Paternal grandfather has Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus.
Pregnancy history of mother:
Was normal pregnancy and had no problems during pregnancy and after child-birth.
Physical generals:
He has profound craving for sweets.
Likes to sleep on abdomen.
Talking in sleep.
He feels hot in general.
According to parents the child is very absent-minded. He is very quiet boy, but has to be pushed hard for studying by mother. He also has the habit of biting his finger nails.
Reportorial totality of symptoms taken:
- Absentminded.
- Biting of nails.
- Talking in sleep.
- Hair baldness in patches.
- Hair falling in spots.
- Sleep position on abdomen.
- Sweets desires.
- Heat sensation of.
Depending on this symptom totality, Lycopodium 30 was prescribed. All the local applications to scalp was advised to be discontinued.
With span of 2 weeks there was improvement and in 3 months the hair growth appeared in bald areas of scalp. So there was complete recovery of hair loss in child with only homeopathic medicines given orally.