About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which is based on definite laws and principle’s to treat disease. “Law of Similars” is applied in treatment of various diseases with homeopathy. Medicines which produce similar symptoms to the disease symptoms are given to the patients which in turn helps to bring about cure.

This science was discovered by German Physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. His long and ardent work in discovering and developing the science of Homeopathy has helped mankind through ages to get cured of their sufferings.


  • Homeopathy is more than 200 years old system of medicine discovered by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
  • It is based on specific laws (Law of Similars) and principles on which medicines are given to the sick.
  • Homeopathic medicines are given orally or through olfaction as decided by the Homeopath. Specific instructions regarding taking of medicines are to be followed as mentioned by the homeopathic doctor.
  • Medicines act through the sensitive nerves of the mouth or nose.
  • Homeopathy works best for individuals of all age groups and both sexes.
  • Works best in disease conditions of children and infants, as they are not much treated with other modes of treatment.
  • Homeopathy can cure all the treatable disorders.
  • It helps best in individual with altered immune response leading to allergic conditions, asthma, skin diseases, and auto-immune diseases.
  • Certain surgical conditions like renal stones, piles, fissures, fistula, sebaceous cyst, etc. can be treated with homeopathy
  • Helps to relieve the pains and suffering of persons suffering from chronic diseases, cancers.
  • Homeopathy is the safe and effective mode of treatment.
  • It is free from any adverse side-effects if prescribed in the hands of good homeopath that treats strictly on principles of homeopathy.
  • Cost effective than today’s modern medicine.
  • It is a misconception that homeopathy is slow to act. It acts as rapidly as modern system of medicine in case of acute diseases, but if the condition to treat is chronic homeopathy takes a while to completely eradicate the disease.
  • Homeopathic medicines are to be preferably taken on empty stomach on tongue, 15 minutes before food or any liquid.
  • Avoid black coffee, herbal medicines, mint in any form.
  • Keep medicines away from sunlight, heat, perfumes, camphor.

Homeopathy has done marvels since its inception in treating all kinds of infectious disease and also helps enormously in preventing the outbreak of epidemics if it is given as prophylactic in the early stages of disease like typhoid, cholera, measles, chicken pox, mumps, and many more to name.

  • Yes, but proper cleaning of wound and anti-sepsis should be done.
  • Bruises, burns, cuts if of minor intensity are effectively treated.
  • But Homeopathy is no replacement for fractures or bleeding wound which may need surgical interventions.
  • Acute myocardial infarction (heart-attack), or severe dehydration, etc.
  • Avoid OTC (over the counter) medicines. This is true for any mode of treatment. Many people think homeopathy is without side-effects, this is completely wrong homeopathy can cause severe aggravations if not given by competent doctor.
  • Avoid self-medicating with homeopathy.
  • Avoid combination medicines like specifics for cold, flu, arthritis, prostate, etc. These are not safe. In homeopathy only one medicine is given at a time.
  • Avoid LOCAL APPLICATIONS, like ointments for skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections).